Nice Suits For Rent in Ho Chi Minh City
Tác Giả: Đặng Khang Đăng Lúc: 17-02-2019
Chuyển sang phiên bản Tiếng Việt
I.General problem when renting wedding Suits in HCMC.
II.Demand of renting business Suits/ party Suits.
III.Do not forget to match Accessories when wearing Suits.
IV.Custom Tailored Suits - The Must-have experience.
However, it is not easy to hire men's suits that are well proportioned to our own appearances because of different body sizes. So, if you are looking for Suits rental services, Try to start with a secure brand which has more sample sizes than usual such as Mon Amie Veston.

Renting Suits gradually becomes an economic choice for the groom when it comes to wedding season.
Nowadays, Renting Wedding Suits becomes very popular in many Studios, Especially in a big city like Ho Chi Minh City. Unfortunately, Finding yourself a nice fitting Men’s Suit with reasonable price is not that easy. Just imagine! Adult bodies have over 20 differences in measurement but ready-to-wear Suits are always stood at Standard level only.

Renting Grooms Suits is harder than you've expected.
A ready-to-wear men's suit Ussually stops at a relatively acceptable level, however, it is totally different at Mon Amie chain stores. With over 30 years experience working as a tailor, we are proud to be the best place for customer to rent suits in HCMC: 30 made to measure sizes for groom from small to fat - thing you can hardly find in any others fashion shops. You just need to choose a mens suit relative to your physique and own our skilled tailors, will adjust the suit so that it fits the body of the wearer.
MON AMIE - The Most Secure Tailor In HCMC
II.Demand of renting business Suits/ party Suits.

Checked Suits - The Italian Style.
III.Do not forget to match Accessories when wearing Suits.
As you have already known, Veston is constantly developing and changing as well as the rotation of other fashion platform and in Viet Nam, there is no exception. Whether hiring or purchasing suits, the boys have to know how to match accessories according to the suit 's color. When mentioning about Accessories, you can get a long list as follows: Tie(can be use in most of cases), Bowtie (a good choice for night parties), pocket-square(to highlight your upper pocket), lapel pin( create a highlighted point for your lapel), tie bar, cufflinks and so on. Each items has their own feature and use them flexibly will help you to create the best appearance.

It is not easy to coordinate your outfit with accessories.
IV. Custom Tailored Suits - The Must-have Experience
After you have read until here, you would wonder: "Why should i order a Custom Suits while i can just hire one"? Let's Mon Amie shows you how convenient it is if you own a suit. We seperate Suit users into 2 different kinds, such as:
1. People that use suit frequently.
Suppose you are type of person who often has to wear men's suits during a party or for a particular job; Continuously renting suit not only take a fair amount of money from you but also need a lot of preparation to find the right men's suit. At that point time, you will soon realize that "Hire men's suit" is just a temporary option. Meanwhile, owning the tailor-made men's suit gives you the flexibility to use and is the "bright choice" to ensure the long-term economic.
2. People that rarely use suits.
And if you are a person who rarely use suits, so how about at the end of each year - The Wedding Season. You will receive hundreds of wedding invitation cards from your friends, relatives or even colleagues. Of course, you just can't avoid it and that is why you should own a tailord-made suit by yourself would be more convenience.

Surely, you can budget how high the cost of renting suits for many times would be.

A Slim-fit Suit.
Read More: Why Adults Should Choose Tailored Suits.
Learn More About Suits Fabric
How much does it cost to rent a suit from Mon Amie? - The price range for renting suit is between 900.000-2.000.000VNĐ, depends on kind of material.
How about lease term? - 3 days and we can extend it, up to your purpose.
Average price for a Tailored Suit at Mon Amie? - Price range for a Mon Amie's Custom Tailored Suit is fluctuating from 3-7 millions VNĐ ( it depends on material). It also includes 3 years of warranty and free measurement editing. Besides, Mon Amie also provides high quality imported fabrics such as Cerruti, Holland & Sherry, Vercelli... with the price of 10-30 millions each, to serve people really enjoy high-class suit.
How long does it take to finish a suit? - It usually takes around 10 days to make sure the suit fit its perfection. If you need a suit within 7 days or less, please contact us ASAP. We also provide special service called "Making Suit In 24 hours".
Do you have big size ready-to-wear Suits for foreigners? - Of course we do! However, we would recommend you to order a Custom Suit for a better long-term usage.
Open : 9:00 - 21:30
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